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Clean energy for EU islands




UCL Islands Laboratory

Islands Laboratory at UCL is a hub of researchers from different disciplines (mathematics, computer science, law, economics, environment, anthropology, engineering, architecture) who merge their powers to deliver cutting edge research, with he aim to understand essential connections between energy resource nexus, the environment, economy and society and how to research them.

Planair SA

Consulting Engineers for Sustainable Development.

Founded in 1985 in Switzerland, Planair was created to offer engineering and advisory services for sustainable development. The Planair team develops and implements innovative solutions in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, island & smart grid systems planning, engineering and industry partnerships.

Webinar: Horizon 2020 and project development

On 19 September 2019, the Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariatt organised a webinar about Horizon 2020 funding opportunities and project development. The first part of the webinar included an overall introduction to the H2020 calls followed by practical experiences in developing and taking part in a consortium. You can access the webinar and the presentations below.


Jeppe Jensen, Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat
Feilim O'Connor, European Commission
Andy Deacon, Climate Alliance


CE4EUIslands Webinar: Transition Management

The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat kick-starts its series of webinars with a first webinar on Transition Management.

Register here!

Since its foundation in 2001, Transition Management has been applied to diverse sustainability issues, policy contexts, and geographical scales. The approach provides a portfolio of tools that have as a common objective to enable change in practices and structures directed towards sustainable development targets, like the sustainable transformation of our energy system.

Ocean Retriever "Waste to Energy"

TRESOIL BIOFUELS SRL: will build or refit a specialized autonomous vessel with Waste to Hydrogen (PHEW2H2 DMG®)) on-board energy production technology to rid the Canary Islands of unrecyclable plastic and other waste wherever it accumulates around each island port of the Canarias. The autonomous vessel will travel to wherever large amounts of plastic and end of life tires accumulate, and be instantly converted without emission into electricity or high grade hydrogen; to be stored and used as a fuel for tri-generation power for the islands own use or to be exported.

Akuo Energy

Akuo is a renewable energy global player. The company is present across the whole value chain, including project development, financing, construction, and operation. As of end-2018, Akuo Energy had invested more than EUR 2.2 billion for a total capacity of 1.2 GW in operation or under construction and had over 3 GW in projects being developed. With more than 350 employees, the Group, whose headquarters are in Paris, France, has offices in 18 countries around the world. Akuo Energy aims a global production capacity of 3,500 MW in 2022. 

Webinar: Transition Management

The Clean Energy for EU Islands Secretariat kick-starts its series of webinars with a first webinar on Transition Management! As the Secretariat builds on this approach, this first webinar revisits its main principles and how they are implemented, learning from experiences from past and ongoing projects of DRIFT.

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