Electricity producers from renewable energy resources ought to follow and comply with a set of different procedures and regulations (put forth by the various institutions that form the Portuguese electricity market) in order to start their operations. The bulk of the regulation and requirements that applies for Small Feed-in Units (UPPs) and medium to large-sized projects can be found in Decree-Law 76/2019, whereas the regulation for self-consumption units and energy communities is laid down in Decree-Law 162/2019.
The Portuguese National Energy Climate Plan 2030 establishes a strong commitment towards increasing the share of renewable energies in the country’s mix – more so in relation to the onshore wind and ground-mounted solar energy technologies, which, according to the document, are the ones that will receive most investments and are expected to increase the most in installed capacity. For this reason, the permit and authorisation process will focus on these technologies. -
Sequential order of process steps
1. Site election;
2. Electricity production licence;
3. Administration authorisation and
4. Grid connection -
Competent authorities
- Directorate-General of Energy and Geology (DGEG)
- Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE)
- Portuguese Environmental Agency (APA)
- Regional Coordination and Development Commission
- Secretary of Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation
- State Secretariat of Forestry and Rural Development
- Regional Directorate for Agriculture and Fishery (DRAP)
- Distribution System Operators
- Retailers of Last Resort
- City Councils