Germany is aiming for a share of 20,5 % in the year 2025 and 27 % in the year 2030 of renewable energies in the heating and cooling sector (NECP 2020). Through the KfW and BAFA, several subsidies and low interest loans are granted for installing renewable energy heating and cooling systems. These installments are further subsidized with a tax support scheme.
District heating grids are not regulated on federal level but can benefit from a subsidy. -
Summary of support schemes
- Loan and Subsidy(KfW Renewable Energies Premium)
- Loan (KfW Renewable Energies Standard)
- Subsidy (Federal subsidy for energy efficient buildings – single measures)
- Tax regulation mechanism (Support for the energy-efficient renovation of private buildings)
- RES-H building obligations
Competent authorities
- BMWi

German law foresees different authorisation processes for wind onshore, wind offshore and ground-mounted solar energy. Territorial and regional laws define what sites are eligible. The authorisation is usually done by regional authorities. Several federal laws (e.g., Immission protection act) must be considered. Citizen initiatives might also play a role in the authorization process. The fiscality is regulated at the federal level.
In the German Climate Strategy, the shift to renewable energies in the electricity sector is seen as a top priority. Wind and solar energy play the most significant roles in the strategy. In this section the permit and authorization processes are thus described for the following technologies: onshore wind, offshore wind and ground-mounted solar energy. -
Sequential order of process steps
1. Site Selection
2. Administrative Authorisation
3. Grid Connection
4. Corporate-Legal/Fiscal -
Competent authorities
- BMWi