Abbreviated form of legal source
- WindSeeG 2020
- EEG 2021
Description of the process
In Germany, grid operators must allow plants generating electricity with renewable energies access to the grid (§ 8 EEG 2021). Certification of the energy plant (Anlagenzertifizierung) and the administrative approval are usually required at the submission state. After submission of all required documents, the grid operator conducts a grid compatibility test, choses the access point and must inform the plant operator within 8 weeks. The economically best grid access point must be ensured, or the grid operator must compensate the plant operator. The costs of the construction are to be paid by the plant operator. (§8 EEG 2021)
For wind offshore:
The Federal authority for maritime navigation designates the grid connection points and permits as foreseen in the site development plant (§44 WindSeeG 2020). The Federal Grid Agency auctions the connection points and may ask proof of the project realization. -
Competent authority
Federal Grid Agency