Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
Renewable Energies - Premium
Description of support scheme
KfW supports larger installations that produce heating and cooling from renewable sources with loans and a repayment bonus. A repayment bonus is a reduction of the loan that has to me repaid and can be granted after the completion of work.
The loan can be granted for 100% of the investment costs eligible for this support and up to EUR 25 million with an interest starting at 1 % per year.
The repayment bonus varies with the type of installation. It is a reduction of loan that has to be repaid and is granted after the completion of work and cover up to 50 % of the loan:
For solar thermal installations, the repayment bonus is up to 40 %.
For installations, producing heat from biomass, the repayment bonus can be up to € 100.000, from CHP EUR 40 per kW nominal heat capacity.
For biogas pipelines the repayment bonus is up to 30 % of the net investment costs.
For aero-, geo- and hydrothermal installations, the repayment bonus is EUR 80 per kW heat power and up to EUR 100.000. For geothermal energy installations with a less than 400m deep hole, the repayment bonus is EUR 4 per meter and with a hole deeper than 400 m, EUR 6 per meter vertical depth.
Deep geothermal energy installations are subsidized with a repayment bonus of up to EUR 2 million, and up to EUR 2.5 million for the drilling. -
Corporations, natural persons and freelancers, farmers, municipalities, municipal corporations and municipal associations, non-profit organisations and associations. SMEs can benefit from a 10 % increase of the subsidy.
Applicants can prepare the application via an online tool on the website. They must then find a financing partner. The bank administers the KFW loan. Further information can be found on this website:
https://www.kfw.de/inlandsfoerderung/Unternehmen/Energie-und-Umwelt/Förderprodukte/Erneuerbare-Energien-Tiefengeothermie-(272-282)/ -
Competent authority
KfW loans are administered and disbursed by regular banks.