Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
Renewable Energies Standard
Description of support scheme
KfW supports the construction, expansion and acquisition of installations for heat production from renewable energy sources with low interest loans.
The loan can cover up to 100 % of the investment sum and at most EUR 50 million. The interest rate starts at 1.03 %.
Domestic, foreign, and public enterprises, public corporations, communal joint bodies, public institutions, freelance professionals, farms, natural persons, associations, cooperatives, foundations with legal capacities.
Applicants can prepare the application via an online tool on the website. They must then find a financing partner. The bank administers the KFW loan. Further information can be found on this website:
https://www.kfw.de/inlandsfoerderung/Privatpersonen/Neubau/Förderprodukte/Erneuerbare-Energien-(270)/ -
Competent authority
KfW loans are implemented by financing partners (e.g., banks).