Germany has 43 islands, spread across the Baltic and North Sea. The largest islands are Rugen (926 km2) and Usedom (373 km2). Several other islands are between 20 and 100 km2 and many are even smaller than that. 156 000 people live on the German islands, which corresponds to 0.2% of the country’s total population. Islands are integrated in the German public administration. The islands are either considered to be an "Amt" (collection of municipalities), a "Gemeinde" (municipality) or "Stadtteile" (city
Clean energy national targets
In the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for Germany for the period 2021-2030, the Member State expects to reach a share of 30 % renewable energy in the total energy supply and 65 % in the electricity sector by 2030, a share of 27 % of renewable energies in the heating and cooling sector by the year 2030 and a share of 27 % of renewable energies in the transport sector by 2030.