The Estonian RES policies largely rely on the exemplary role of public entities and on voluntary schemes, either by the business sector or municipalities.
There are no legally binding, compulsory instruments for e.g., mandatory training for the installers of RES. Various vocation certification programmes related to RES exist, the body responsible for organising the allocation of qualifications and naming the bodies responsible for setting the standards is the Estonian Qualifications Authority. -
Summary of policies
- Training programmes: statutory law provides no concrete provisions concerning training programs for RES installers. Qualifications Authority provides certification systems for professional qualifications, also outlining where such training programme is provided for obtaining the qualification.
- Energy Sector Organization Act sets the standard for performing energy audits and certifying energy management, which is linked to the certification programmes and system of the Qualifications Authority
- Transition to usage of renewable electricity is planned in the public sector in the Government’s work programme
Competent authorities
- Qualification Authority
- Municipalities