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Certification Programmes for Energy efficiency measures (standard for performing energy audits and certifying energy management)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Professions Act
    Occupational Qualifications System Classification
    Energy Sector Organization Act

  2. Summary

    The certification programs and requirements for performing energy audits and certifying energy management systems are foreseen by the Professions Act, which sets the framework for the organization of the body responsible for according the certificates for professional qualifications, including for people working in the construction and energy sector. The responsible authority is the Ministry of Education and Research (HTM) and the body responsible for organising the allocation of qualifications and naming the bodies responsible for setting the standards is the Estonian Qualifications Authority (Kutsekoda).
    Currently active certifications from the Qualifications Authority relating specifically to energy efficiency measures are the following, according to the Occupational Qualifications System Classification:
    • Energy auditor, Est QF Level 6
    • Diploma Specialist in energy performance of buildings, level 7 high education qualification
    • Diploma Energy Efficiency Specialist, Est QF Level 7
    • Chartered Energy Efficiency Specialist, Est QF Level 8
    According to Energy Sector Organization Act, only accredited experts or qualified experts, defined as holding at least the professional qualification of an energy auditor, in the area of energy performance of construction works, level 6 or higher can perform energy audits and to certify energy management systems (Art. 27, Energy Sector Organization Act). That links the certification of energy audits and energy management to the aforementioned Qualifications System.

  3. Addressees

    • HTM
    • Qualifications Authority