Different programmes aim to grant aid to projects that use renewable energy sources in the heating and cooling sector. In particular, non-refundable subsidies are allocated to these types of projects. The described subsidies are administered by IDAE and the Autonomous Communities.
Besides, on the fiscal area, the legislation introduced allowances on the Real Estate Tax and on the Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works that incorporate solar system for thermal uses.
Last, the Building Code sets the obligation for certain buildings to have a minimum contribution of 70% from RE to cover domestic hot water demand.
The Spanish NECP calculates a trajectory of 31% share of RES in energy gross final consumption in the heating and cooling sector by 2030, compared to 18% in 2020. -
Summary of support schemes
- Subsidy (Grants for investment in RE electricity and thermal projects) – Allocation of non-refundable grants for thermal projects using RES
- Subsidy (Energy Rehabilitation of Buildings) - Subsidies for energy refurbishment actions in existing buildings, using RE sources, regardless of their use and the legal status of their owners
- Tax regulation mechanisms (Allowance on the Real Estate Tax for solar energy systems) - 50 percent rebate of the full amount of the tax for properties where a solar energy system for thermal or electrical use has been installed
- Tax regulation mechanisms (Allowance on the Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works) - Allowance of up to 95 percent in favour of constructions, installations or works in which systems for the thermal or electrical use of solar energy are incorporated
- RES-H building obligations (Minimum Renewable Energy contribution to cover heating of water in buildings) – Minimum quota of 70% from RES to cover total annual demand
Competent authorities
- Autonomous Communities
- Municipalities