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Clean energy for EU islands


7th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop

One challenge of island grids and micro-grids is to maintain the balance between production and consumption. Diesel generators are still frequently used for this task. Due to the unavoidable dependence on fuel price and delivery options, and the environmental impact, alternatives are being sought. Wind and solar power are independent of imported fuels and environmentally friendly, and therefore the logical choice for island and micro-grids.

Energy Academy Cyprus Edition

Στις 24 Μαΐου, η γραμματεία της πρωτοβουλίας "Καθαρή ενέργεια για τα νησιά της ΕΕ" διοργανώνει τη δεύτερη συνάντηση της Ενεργειακής Ακαδημίας με επίκεντρο την Κύπρο.

Μετά την πρώτη μας διαδικτυακή συνάντηση τον περασμένο Ιούνιο, αυτή τη φορά θα συναντηθούμε στη Λευκωσία για να συνεχίσουμε το έργο μας με στόχο την υποστήριξη της μετάβασης του νησιού στην καθαρή ενέργεια.

Green Hydrogen Technologies Supporting the Energy Transition: Matching Uses with Context

In this first Green Hysland workshop, like-minded European projects and partners are invited in order to show participants how green hydrogen can increase the penetration of renewable energy in a specific region, demonstrating sector coupling and sectorial integration, and moving towards full decarbonization of the economy.

Energy Academy Portugal Edition

De 28 a 29 de abril, o secretariado para a energia limpa para as ilhas da UE organiza a Academia de Energia destinada às ilhas portuguesas. A equipa do secretariado pretende apoiar os habitantes das ilhas a escolher, avaliar, executar e comunicar projetos de transição energética, através de uma série de sessões da Academia de Energia.
O evento será realizado em português, sem tradução.

Inscreva-se agora, há apenas um número limitado de lugares.


Energy Academy Greece Edition

On March 17-18, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat organises the Energy Academy focusing on Greek islands. 

The secretariat team aims to help islanders to select, evaluate, execute, and communicate about energy transition projects through a series of Energy Academy sessions.

The event will be held in Greek without translation.

The event will take place in Crete, Greece. The event is planned as a physical workshop.

5th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop of Energynautics

Energynautics GmbH organises its 5th Hybrid Power Systems Workshop virtually on 18. and 19. May 2021.

The main objective of the 5th International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop is to discuss the challenges that arise with the integration of high shares of renewables (wind, solar, hydro) into isolated/island power systems/micro-grids in combination with batteries/flywheels and conventional power generators. Finding viable combinations of conventional and renewable energy is one key solution for the efficient and sustainable running of these types of power systems.

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