Republic of Ireland offers several incentives with regard to the deployment of RES in heating and cooling sector. The Support Scheme Renewable Heat - SSRH provides grants for heat pumps, while an operational tariff is offered for biomass/biogas installations. Under the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme II (TAMS II) (Pig & Poultry Investment Scheme/ Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme), subsidies for heat pumps and solar thermal are granted to farmers. Better Energy Homes scheme provides grants for the energy upgrading of dwellings (heat pumps and solar thermal). ACA is a tax-relief scheme for energy efficient equipment such as heat pumps and solar thermal.
With regard to its RES H&C targets, the Republic of Ireland aspires to increase its RES-H&C share from 7.8% in 2020 to 24% by 2030 (NECP). -
Summary of support schemes
- Subsidy (Support Scheme Renewable Heat- SSRH): SSRH provides grant for the purchase and installation of heat pumps.
- Subsidy (Pig & Poultry Investment Scheme): Under the Pig & Poultry Investment Scheme, farmers active in that sector can receive support for specific investments. Among them, purchase and installation of aerothermal heat pumps, solar thermal and biomass boilers are eligible for support. Pig & Poultry Investment Scheme is part of Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme II (TAMS II), included in the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme of Ireland.
- Subsidy (Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme): Under Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme, young farmers active in that sector can receive support for specific investments. Among them, purchase and installation of aerothermal, solar thermal and biomass boilers are eligible for support. Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme is part of Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme II (TAMS II), included in the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme of Ireland.
- Subsidy (Better Energy Homes): Better Energy Homes scheme provides grants for the energy upgrading of dwellings. Under this scheme, solar thermal, aerothermal, hydrothermal and geothermal technologies are supported through grants.
- Tax regulation mechanism (ACA): ACA is a tax-relief scheme that promotes the purchase of energy efficient equipment by enterprises located in the Republic of Ireland. More specifically, companies can depreciate 100% of the purchase value of certain energy efficient equipment against their profit in the year of purchase.
- Price-based mechanisms (SSRH): SSRH, apart from a subsidy, can provide an operational support – a feed-in tariff - for biomass/ biogas installations.
- RES-H building obligations (Building Regulations 2019): All new buildings occupied after 31 December 2020 must be Nearly Zero Emissions Buildings- NZEB
Competent authorities
- Irish Revenue Commissioners