Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
Description of support scheme
SSRH, apart from a subsidy, can provide an operational support for biomass/biogas installations owned by commercial, industrial, agricultural, district heating or other non-domestic heat users not in the Emission Trading System sector, who feed the produced heat into the grid.
The amount of support varies.
• For biomass systems
o 300 MWh/y: EUR 5.66ct/ kWhth
o 300- 1,000 MWh/y: EUR 3.02ct/ kWhth
o 1,000- 10,000 MWh/y: EUR 0.5ct/ kWhth
o 10,000- 50,000 MWh/y: EUR 0.37ct/ kWhth
• For biogas systems
o 1,000 MWh/y: EUR 2.95ct/ kWh
o 1,000- 2,400 MWh/y: EUR 0.5ct/ kWh (ch.4.1.4 SSRH). -
Commercial, industrial, agricultural, district heating or other non-domestic heat users not in the Emission Trading System sector are eligible for the subsidy (ch. 6 SSRH).
Interested applicants submit their application online. SEAI examines the application and issues a Letter of Offer and a Grant Agreement. The applicant carries on the necessary works and upon completion, the SEAI is informed. After verification, the grant is paid off to the applicant (ch. 6 SSRH).
Competent authority