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Subsidy (Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme

  2. Description of support scheme

    Under Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme, young farmers active in that sector can receive support for specific investments. Among them, purchase and installation of aerothermal, solar thermal and biomass boilers are eligible for support. Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme is part of Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme II (TAMS II), included in the 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme of Ireland.

  3. Amount

    Grant aid will cover 60% of the eligible expenditure (EUR 80,000 per holding) (ch.1.3 Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme) (ch.4.3 Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme).

  4. Addressees

    Young farmers between 18-41 years old (ch.3.1 Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme).

  5. Procedure

    Interested applicants make a submission online along with any necessary document (such as Planning permission). DAFM assesses the application. If approved, the applicant may carry on with the necessary works. Finally, the applicant makes a claim or payment and the grant is paid off (ch.5-8 Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme).

  6. Competent authority


  7. Technologies


    Heat recovery units / air source heat pumps are eligible (Annex C Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme).


    Biomass boilers are eligible (Annex C Young Farmers’ Capital Investment Scheme).

    Geothermal energy
    Solar Thermal
