The Programme “Kinoumai Ilektrika” subsidises the purchase of EVs by different categories (natural persons, enterprises, taxi owners). In addition, the production of biofuels is eligible for subsidy or tax relief under Law No.4399/2016. Apart from that, a biofuel quota scheme is in place. However, it is not applicable to islands (both interconnected and non-interconnected).
According to NECP, Greece aims at increasing its RES share in final consumption for transport from 6.6% in 2020 to 19% in 2030. Biofuels are expected to increase from 228 ktoe in 2020 to 371 ktoe in 2030 and Electricity from 5 ktoe to 94 ktoe respectively. -
Summary of support schemes
- Subsidy (Min. Decision 77472/520) – The Programme “Kinoumai Ilektrikia” promotes e-mobility through the provision of subsidies
- Subsidy (Development Law) - Biofuels production can be promoted through subsidies, according to Law No.4399/2016.
- Tax regulation mechanism (Development Law) - Biofuels production can be promoted through tax relief, according to Law No.4399/2016.
- Biofuel Quota (Law No. 3054/2002) - Producers and distributors of petrol and diesel are obliged to blend their fuels with a certain amount ("quota") of biofuels. For that reason, a distribution call for biofuels is issued yearly that defines all necessary details.
- Support of RES-T infrastructure – charging for e-vehicles (Programme “Kinoumai Ilektrika”) - The Programme supports the installation of charging stations for personal vehicles.
Competent authorities
- MinDev