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Wind power

AEON Energy

Aeon Energy creates innovative net-zero renewable energy solutions that help Climate Vulnerable communities harness the energy around them as we believe in renewable energy for all - not just those living in countries with enough landmass and resources for traditional solutions like wind, solar, and hydro.


LocalRES is an EU-funded project that will deploy innovative local energy systems to put renewable energy into the hands of communities and people. The project will boost structural changes in the current energy system at different levels: generation, market, distribution and consumers.


FLASC is developing a Hydro-Pneumatic Energy Storage (HPES) system tailored for offshore applications. The objective is to bridge the gap between intermittent renewable energy production and a fluctuating consumer demand. This allows, for example, large offshore wind farms to improve the quality of the power that they provide to consumer grids, and also to supply reliable power to island grids and remote offshore locations, such as oil & gas infrastructure.

Airborne Wind Europe

Airborne Wind Europe is the association of the European airborne wind energy industry.

Airborne Wind Europe encourages high-level discussions on generation of energy from high-altitude winds by means of kite energy systems, wind drones and other airborne wind energy systems and encourages research, innovation and exchange of technical information among entrepreneurs, suppliers, utilities, developers,  energy consumers, equipment manufacturers, financial institutions and universities.

Energie Samen

Federation of the energy communities in the Netherlands.

We believe that the energy transition will succeed if citizens are engaged. Together we ensure that everyone can participate in and benefit from a clean and affordable energy supply for all of us.

We provide support and advocacy for energy communities in the Netherlands.



Porzana-ENCRO is a project developer mainly focused on renewable energy sources. We are responsible for engineering and project management. There are 15 years of experience in successful wind farm development behind us.


Rethink Sustainable Solutions, S.r.l.s. is an engineering and technical consulting firm that wants to foster the transition to a Circular Economy model. In order to abandon the current ‘take-make-consume and dispose’ pattern of growth, we support changes throughout value chains, from product design to new business and market models, from new ways of turning waste into a resource to new modes of consumer behaviour. To fulfill this mission, we design innovative solutions in the energy and environment fields, with the integration of the digital channels.


ABO Wind is a globally successful project developer for renewable energies with over550 employees. Since 1996, the company has connected around 700 wind energy, solar and biogas plants with an output of 2,400 megawatts to the grid.

We are currently working on the development of new projects with a total capacity of ten gigawatts. These projects are located in 16 countries on four continents and exceed the capacity of four average nuclear power plants. Two thirds of the projects under development are wind projects and one third are solar Projects.

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