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Clean energy for EU islands

Research projects


The ROBINSON project (smart integRation Of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexiBle, secure and cost-efficIent eNergy Supply ON industrialized islands) is a EU-funded project.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 957752.
ROBINSON aims to develop an integrated energy system to help decarbonise (industrialised) islands.


LocalRES is an EU-funded project that will deploy innovative local energy systems to put renewable energy into the hands of communities and people. The project will boost structural changes in the current energy system at different levels: generation, market, distribution and consumers.


FLASC is developing a Hydro-Pneumatic Energy Storage (HPES) system tailored for offshore applications. The objective is to bridge the gap between intermittent renewable energy production and a fluctuating consumer demand. This allows, for example, large offshore wind farms to improve the quality of the power that they provide to consumer grids, and also to supply reliable power to island grids and remote offshore locations, such as oil & gas infrastructure.

Workshop "Energy Communities in Practice" in Sustainable Places 2020

By 2021, Member States are required to transpose the relevant EC Directives (e.g. EMD II, RED II) into national legislation to facilitate the widespread establishment of energy communities. But how can energy communities be established and operated in a sustainable manner across EU Member States? This question keeps many energy market stakeholders busy. A host of inter-dependent organizational, technical, social, regulatory and business aspects need to be carefully balanced to achieve sustainable operation from an environmental & financial perspective.

Call for tender: Smart Connected Objects on Ushant Island (ICE Project)


The SDEF is one of the partners of the ICE project of the European program Interreg France-England, which aims to design and implement for the isolated territories of the English Channel area, and in particular Ushant (FR), intelligent solutions in terms of energy by the deployment of “smart-grid”.

Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research

The Institute of atmospheric Pollution Research of CNR conducts research and technology transfer in the field of air pollution in urban and industrial areas (both indoor and outdoor), Emerging Air Contaminants in Environmental Emissions and ambient air, pollutant cycles across different spatial scales including polar areas, Global and regional atmospheric modeling, Technological development and methods for Earth Observation, Geospatial information and environmental knowledge-sharing,Transfer of Technical and Scientific Knowledge for the Production and Implementation of Air-Quality Legislati

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