The ROBINSON project (smart integRation Of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexiBle, secure and cost-efficIent eNergy Supply ON industrialized islands) is a EU-funded project.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 957752.
ROBINSON aims to develop an integrated energy system to help decarbonise (industrialised) islands.
To this end, the project will develop and deploy an integrated, smart and cost-efficient energy system that couples thermal, electrical and gas networks, which will optimise the utilisation of local renewable energy sources.
Through the development of a smart, modular and optimised Energy Management System (EMS), ROBINSON will integrate existing and newly developed technologies, such as a small gas turbine based combined heat and power, an anaerobic digester assisted by bioelectrochemical systems to enable the conversion of liquid waste into biomethane, a mobile innovative wind turbine, a gasifier to convert bio-waste, as well as hydrogen-related technologies (electrolyser and storage system). This integrated system will ensure a reliable, cost-efficient and resilient energy supply contributing to the decarbonisation of the European islands by helping to decrease CO2 emissions.
146-148 Chaussee de Charleroi, 1060 Brussels