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Clean energy for EU islands

Supporting organisations

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Our supporters are organisations that have signed a declaration of support and bring expertise and experience to the initiative.

7 supporting organisations

Technology provider |
AEON Energy

Aeon Energy creates innovative net-zero renewable energy solutions that help Climate Vulnerable communities harness the energy around them as we believe in renewable energy for all - not just those...

Visual of AEON
Technology provider |
Barinthus Technologies

Barinthus is a technology startup providing novel and innovative solutions to provide clean energy, drinkable water and waste management to island and coastal communities.

Financial advisor |
The ESG finance company

Sustainability based finance, made in Luxembourg, is the core of our business philosophy. We believe that there is no planet B and we need to preserve the one we all...

Technology provider |

Rethink Sustainable Solutions, S.r.l.s. is an engineering and technical consulting firm that wants to foster the transition to a Circular Economy model. In order to abandon the current ‘take-make-consume and...

Technology provider |
Elemental Water Makers

Already 4 billion people face water scarcity today. Especially islands are at the forefront of climate change and often lack natural water resources.The key for islands to moving from scarcity...

Technology provider |

Coopérnico is a Portuguese renewable energy cooperative that combines its sustainability oriented and social nature with the support of solidarity, education and environmental protection projects. Coopérnico's mission is to engage...

Technology provider |
Planair SA

Consulting Engineers for Sustainable Development. Founded in 1985 in Switzerland, Planair was created to offer engineering and advisory services for sustainable development. The Planair team develops and implements innovative solutions...