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RD&D Policies (Ai-Stratis- Green Island)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • Ai-Stratis-Green Island
  2. Summary

    “Ai Stratis - Green island” is a H2020 project aiming at covering the total electricity consumption of Ai Stratis, a non-interconnected small island in the Aegean Sea, with the help of RES. At first, 85% of the electricity consumption will be covered by RES; later, the target for the island is to become completely powered by RES. The project was initiated in 2011 but was not fully implemented. In 2020, the project re-initiated as it is included the National Reference Strategic Framework (NRSF) 2014-2020. A tender for the purchase and installation of a hybrid RES plant has been issued in June 2020. This includes the installation of a wind turbine, of PV plants (aggregate capacity 1 MW) along with energy storage facilities (batteries). In addition, the construction of a district heating system is also foreseen. Excess electricity will be converted to thermal energy and be distributed to the local residents. The whole infrastructure is expected to be completed within 37 months.
    Additionally, there are further RD&D project on other islands. Characteristically, VW Group agreed with the Greek government so as to establish on the island of Astypalaia a climate-neutral mobility paradigm. The same approach is expected to be implemented on the island of Halki.

  3. Addressees

    • Ai Stratis local authority
    • Private companies
  4. Competent authority

    • CRES
    • MEE