In Finland, the production of heat from renewable energies is subsidised through various support schemes and investment aids.
The main measure, through which heat produced from RES is promoted is a “heat bonus” allocated to CHP plants working on biogas and wood fuel. In addition to that, various investment supports are made available.The Finnish target is to increase the share of RES-H from the current 54% to 61% out of total consumption (NECP Finland, 2019).
Summary of support schemes
- The subsidy “heat bonus” is paid to heat-generating plants burning biogas and wood-based biomass.
- A grant called Investment aid is available for the construction of some RES-H installations using renewable energy sources.
- Investment support is available for farmers to financially support the construction of heat plants working on renewable energy sources.
- Support for replacement of oil heating systems are being phased out with government support. There are two subsidy schemes available for the owners of private detached houses and municipality-owned buildings.
Competent authorities
- Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- Business Finland
- Ely-keskus
- Ely-keskus of the Pirkanmaa region