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Subsidy 3: Replacing oil heating systems

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • Decree 688/2001
    • Decree 1341/2019
    • Decree 1010/2017
  2. Description of support scheme

    The Finnish government has announced two subsidy schemes for replacing oil heating systems in public-owned and small residential buildings. The schemes are the main instrument for reaching the goal of phasing out oil in heating by 2030, codified in the government programme.
    The support scheme for private addressees was opened in September 2020, and in three months, it has almost run out of funds already. The scheme was allocated extra funding for 2021, which is also projected to be depleted.
    Applications are welcome on a rolling basis around the year. The scheme will be operational between years 2020 and 2022.

  3. Amount

    Private addresses: The subsidy amounts to EUR 4.000/recipient if the oil heating system is replaced by district heating, aerothermal, hydrothermal or a combination of the two latter. The amount is 2.500/recipient for other renewable technologies. Owners of holiday homes are not eligible. The initial budget of EUR 28 million was already depleted in late 2020, and an additional budget of EUR 9.4 million was allocated for the scheme for the year 2021.
    Public addressees: Municipalities that are members of the voluntary energy efficiency scheme can get 25% of the renovation costs reimbursed. Other municipalities are entitled to a 20% reimbursement.
    A total budget of EUR 15 million is allocated for municipalities.

  4. Addressees

    Private addresses: owners of detached houses
    Public addressees: buildings owned by municipalities and municipality-owned enterprises

  5. Procedure

    The applicant will submit an electronic application to the competent authority. Investment support can only be granted to projects that have not been realised yet; any investments or construction works made prior to the subsidy decision cannot be reimbursed.

  6. Competent authority

    Private addresses: Ely-keskus of the Pirkanmaa region (for the whole country)
    Public addressees: ARA

  7. Technologies







    Geothermal energy


    Solar Thermal
