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Price-based mechanisms (Heat bonus for CHP plants)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • Act 1396/2010
  2. Description of support scheme

    The cogeneration of heat and electricity is promoted by giving CHP plants working on biogas and wood fuel the right for an increased fixed “heat bonus”. In addition, the plant must be located in Finland or in Finnish waters and be connected to the grid (Art 7 Act 1396/2010).

  3. Amount

    Biogas: The bonus is fixed at € 50 per produced MWh (Art 26 Act 1396/2010).
    Biomass: The bonus is fixed at € 20 per produced MWh (Art 26 Act 1396/2010).

  4. Addressees

    Energy producers who produce heat and electricity in a CHP plant working on biogas or wood fuel.

  5. Procedure

    Within one month of the decision to install a plant, the electricity producer using biogas and wood fuel in CHP plant shall notify the Energy Authority about their plans and about the technical specifications of the plant in writing (Art 13 Act 1396/2010).
    The producer shall apply to the Energy Authority for the heat bonus. All applications except applications regarding wood-chip plants must be submitted before the plant starts commercial operation. The application must contain certain information specified by law (Art 14 Act 1396/2010).
    The Energy Authority awards heat bonus to all applicants meeting the formal and technical requirements stipulated by the article 26 of Act 1396/2010.

  6. Competent authority

    Responsible authority: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
    Supervision: Energy Authority

  7. Technologies


    A biogas plant is eligible if it produces both electricity and heat, and it achieves an efficiency rate of at least 50-75%, and the generator capacity is at least 1 MVA (Art 10 Act 1396/2010).


    A wood fuel plant is eligible if it produces both electricity and heat, and it achieves an efficiency rate of at least 50-75%, and the generator capacity is at least 1 MVA (Art 11 Act 1396/2010).
    Electricity generated by a wood-chip plant may be eligible if the plant includes a pulverized coal boiler that uses wood-chips for fuel.

    Geothermal energy
    Solar Thermal