Overview of grid
In Finland, the use of the grids for the transmission of electricity from renewable sources is regulated by the general legislation on energy (Act 588/2013). There are no special provisions for electricity from renewable sources.
A plant operator is contractually entitled to connection to the use of the grid against the grid operator. The grid operator is obliged to grant access to the grid according to non-discriminatory criteria until the grid is used to full capacity.
Connection to the grid
Plant operators are contractually entitled against the grid operator to connection to the grid. The grid operator is obliged to enter into an agreement with a plant operator following the non-discriminatory principle in regards to other plant operators. Detailed provisions regarding the connection of a particular plant are specified in a connection agreement. The operators of plants whose capacity exceeds 2 MW have to bear part of the costs of the connection works.
Use of the grid
The system operator shall sell electricity transmission and distribution services to those who need them (Art 21 Act 588/2013). This includes every plant operator whose plant has been connected to the grid and who requires grid capacity.
The party obliged to grant connection to the grid is the licensed grid operator whose area the plant is situated in. The grid operator's area of operation is determined by his licence (Art 9 Act 588/2013).
Grid development
The grid operator shall expand his grid according to the reasonable needs of his customers without discriminating against certain plant operators.
Competent authorities
- Ministry of Emploment and Economy
- Energy Authority
- Fingrid
Number of DSOs
Number of DSOs: 77
Number of legally unbundled DSOs: 9
Source: 2020 DSO facts and figures Eurelectric; Distribution System Operator Observatory 2020
Smart Meter Penetration Rate
Source: 2020 DSO facts and figures Eurelectric
Active electricity suppliers
Total number of active electricity nationwide suppliers: 54
Switching rates for electricity household customers in 2018: 11.1%
Source: Monitoring Report on the Performance of European Retail Markets in 2018. CEER Report