In the description of permit and authorisation processes the fous will lie on onshore wind and solar energy (PV), as these are renewable energy sources for which the largest growth in usage is projected by the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for the Republic of Croatia for the period 2021-2030. The share of solar PVs is projected to increase 8-fold by 2030, while a doubling is projected for onshore wind, in terms of final electricity consumption in Croatia. Croatia also has very beneficial geographical and geomorphological features for usage of solar and wind energy. This also applies to geothermal energy, but that is currently underdeveloped in the Republic of Croatia. Choosing the appropriate site is the most important step in order to achieve the best production and business results. It is important to check the local spatial plan to find out which areas are restricted and to assess the potential of amending spatial plans if needed. An environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure must be carried out before any permits or other approvals for the project are given. Other administrative authorisations, such as the location permit, the building permit, the use permit, electricity production licence, grid connection, etc. are obtained later. For placement of PV panels on top of an existing building, which is considered a simple construction, a building permit is not needed, and an electricity production permit is not needed either. The investor must obtain the electricity production licence from the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA) and the grid connection permit, along with some other authorizations of the project before the connection, from the distribution system operator (HEP ODS).
Sequential order of process steps
1) Site selection process 2) Administrative authorisation process (Assessing the impact on the environment and obtaining all necessary permits (location permit, building permit, etc.)) 3) Electricity production licence process 4) Grid connection permit process 5) Use permission
Competent authorities
Counties and municipalities Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development Croatian Air Traffic Control HEP ODS d.o.o. (Distribution system operator) HOPS (Transmission system operator) Hrvatska energetska regulatorna agencija (HERA)