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Grid connection permit process

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source

    Energy Act
    Grid code of the transmission system
    Grid code of the distribution system
    Grid connection Regulation
    Rules on connection to the transmission grid
    Rules on connection to the distribution grid
    General conditions on grid use
    Connection fee Rulebook

  2. Description of the process

    There are two major types of procedure with the distribution system operator (HEP ODS) for connection to the electric grid: the simple connection and the complex connection. The following is a description of the complex connection for larger energy projects. A description for the simple connection procedure is outlined afterwards.
    The grid connection procedure begins with the request of the project developer to the grid operator to prepare a Study of the optimal technical solution of the connection. After the study is prepared, the project developer has to conclude a Grid Connection Agreement with the system operator and has to obtain the electricity assent issued by the system operator. The procedure for issuing the electricity assent determines the individual technical conditions for the connection of the installation to the electricity network.
    Finally, the investor or the owner of the installation is obliged to submit a request for concluding an Agreement on the Grid Use and a formal request for the beginning of the grid use in accordance with the General conditions on grid use and electricity supply.
    The grid connection process is mainly governed by the Energy Act (art. 32 et seq. Energy Act), the Regulation on issuing the electricity assent and establishing conditions and deadlines for connecting to the grid, and further special by-laws such as the Transmission/Distribution System Network Rules and the Rules on connection to the transmission/distribution grid.
    Pursuant to the RES Act, eligible producers of electricity from renewable energy sources have priority access to the grid if this does not affect the security of the system (art. 19 par. 2 RES Act).
    Art. 5 of the Regulation on issuing the electricity assent and establishing conditions and deadlines for connecting to the grid provides different deadlines for the issue of the documents important for the grid connection process.
    The simple connection procedure, for house-mounted PV panels, is similar, but somewhat simpler. The investor must submit a request for the electricity assent, after which the investor has to submit a request for confirmation of the main project. Afterwards, the investor must pay the fee for building of the connection, which is then built by the system operator. Furthermore, the investor must conclude an Agreement on the Grid Use with the system operator.
    Finally, when the Agreement is concluded, the system operator activates the connection and issues a confirmation on beginning of usage of the network.

  3. Competent authority

    HEP ODS d.o.o. (Distribution System Operator)
    HOPS (Transmission System Operator)
    Hrvatska energetska regulatorna agencija (HERA)

  4. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore


    Wind energy offshore
    Solar energy


    Solar Thermal
    Geothermal energy
    Geothermal energy