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Clean energy for EU islands
Arranmore shore view from the sea with a white lighthouse

Island facts

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Secretariat engagement

Arranmore (Árainn Mhór) aims to achieve sustainability and energy conservation as a result of our participation in the 30 for 2023 call by the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat. The recent ‘energy crisis’ has people focusing on how best to conserve energy and reduce costs.  Reducing energy consumption is only one aspect, however, trying to reduce costs is another issue entirely. This can be achieved if you are in a position to generate your energy.

The island proposes that the Arranmore Co-Operative will effectively, generate, store, own and operate the energy for the island. The completed project would mean that the Island would significantly lower its carbon footprint and have a source of clean renewable energy without a negative impact on the environment.

Please note that Arranmore has applied jointly with Tory Island | Clean energy for EU islands (