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Clean energy for EU islands




Clean energy for EU islands workshop: Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings in Warm Climates

Within the framework of the technical assistance provided to the 30for2030 islands and islands groups, special attention is placed on providing the local teams with tools and knowledge to support them in the development of RE and EE projects.With this objective, the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat is organising a series of 20 workshops over the course of three years, to promote capacity building on relevant topics.The workshops are held in person on selected islands, and involve representatives from the island transition teams of a varying number of interested islands.


The Island of Pašman is located in the Zadar County, it is 21.3 km long, 4.3 km wide at its widest, 63 km2 in surface and is located directly along the mainland, from which it is separated by a channel, 2-5 km wide. Characteristics of the climate are hot and dry summers and mild and wet winters. The island belongs to the Mediterranean climate type. In January/February, the average temperature is 6.5-7 °C, while in July /August the average is 24-24.5 °C. Average insolation is 2,490 hours (county average), annual average precipitation is 800-900 mm.

WEBINAR – Čisti energetski otoci kao prvaci zelenog oporavka

Tajništvo otoka EU u suorganizaciji s Otočnim fondom (NESOI) i OCTA  održava webinar u sklopu EU Održivog energetskog tjedna.

 >>  Održati  će se 17. lipnja 2020. od 9:30-11:00h.

Registracija za sudjelovanje na webinaru je obavezna, a registrirati se možete OVDJE.



Robert-Jan MOONS, Savjetnik za reformu energetske politike – Vlada Arube

Eugene RHUGGENAATH, premijer – Vlada Curaçaoa

Giuseppe SCIACCA, Izvršni tajnik Komisije za otoke – CPMR


Porzana-ENCRO is a project developer mainly focused on renewable energy sources. We are responsible for engineering and project management. There are 15 years of experience in successful wind farm development behind us.

Island Movement

The Island Movement is a network of islanders and all those who wish to contribute to the island's survival through education, information and knowledge sharing, networking, joint cooperation, logistical and professional support to islanders and island organizations active in their island, guided by the principles of responsibility, cooperation, sustainability and fellowship. Island Movement is one of the members of which is European federation for renewable energy cooperatives. We wish to make our voices heard in the European energy debate.

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