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Clean energy for EU islands

From vision to action : how to tackle transition on EU islands? : methodological handbook

Welcome to the Islands Clean Energy Transition Handbook. This Handbook is an action- oriented guide to help islands navigate the transition toward clean energy. It follows a central methodology (EXPLORE, SHAPE, ACT) to cover ideas and projects in all stages of the clean energy transition. It also provides examples of European islands and includes references to key publications. The EXPLORE part addresses islands that are just starting their clean energy transition.

Technology solutions booklet

The Technology solutions booklet provides an overview of energy technologies that are currently commercially available for islands to advance in their clean energy transition. Technologies are grouped per sector: electricity, heating and cooling, transport, and storage. For each technology, a short description is first presented, followed by its pros and cons for its implementation on islands. Finally, island examples are provided to give inspiration and explain how European islands are adopting these technologies in practice.

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