The Renewable Energy Community On Linosa (RECOnLi) project on Linosa, Italy, foresees the installation of a photovoltaic (PV) power plant on public land with a capacity of 405 kW, 40 kW installed on the public school rooftop and ten PV systems for private households with a total capacity of 120 kW, as well as a lithium-ion storage system with a capacity of 1.2 MWh and 0.35 MW to ensure a reliable supply of electricity from the PV systems to be installed by 2026. With this aim, the Municipality of Lampedusa and Linosa applied to the second call for proposals of the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat to receive technical assistance in planning the steps needed to realise an energy community on the island of Linosa. This project was presented and selected under the name "Renewable Energy Community on Linosa" (REConLi). The goal of the technical assistance is to support the RECOnLi project regarding regulatory options for the collective self-consumption from the planned PV installations, to provide proposals for further user engagement, as well as to assist with the energy system model for the storage sizing.