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Clean energy for EU islands

The Annual Forum of INSULEUR is this year convening on the island of Gozo on the 25th October 2019 at the Grand Hotel, Mgarr, Gozo, Malta with the theme “Digital transformation of European Islands”.

The Forum will be an important opportunity to share good practice on islands while discussing the pivotal role that islands can play at a European level.  Participants and speakers will include the European Commission, MEPs, members of the EESC, members of the Committee of Regions, and representatives of Insular Municipalities and CCIs.

The Forum will discuss:

  • Insular Economies and Digitalisation;
  • Insular Chambers’ initiatives for the Digitalisation of Insular Economies and SMEs; and
  • A Digitalisation Strategy for EU Islands.

More information and registration here

Event date



Gozo, Malta



