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Clean energy for EU islands


Maltese flag

Malta has 5 islands, of which 3 (Malta, Gozo and Comino) are inhabited. The island of Malta covers an area of 246 km2, followed by Gozo (67 km2) and Comino (3.5 km2). The total population of Malta (country) is 514 600 people. Malta is a unitary parliamentary republic, which is governed by a single entity by a central government. The Ministry for Gozo serves as a regional authority within the Gozo-Comino region. Its function is mostly to execute and enforce national policies on a regional level. As such, its legislative powers are limited.

Clean energy national targets

The Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for Malta for 2021-2030 aims to increase its share of renewable energy technologies in its gross final energy
consumption to 11.5% by 2030. In the electricity sector, the share of renewables is planned to rise to 11%by 2030. The share of renewable heating and cooling is expected to reach 22.06% by 2020 and rising to 25.71% by 2030. The share of renewable energy in the transport sector is planned to reach 15% by 2030.


Malta regulatory factsheet cover
Regulatory factsheet 2021-10-29
Malta regulatory factsheet
