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Clean energy for EU islands
7th MEDENER International Conference on Energy Transition in the Euro–Mediterranean Region

Organised by the Mediterranean Association of National Agencies for Energy Management (MEDENER) in close cooperation with the Greek Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), the 7th MEDENER International Conference on Energy Transition in the Euro-Mediterranean region will take place on Thursday 26 September 2019 in Rhodes, Greece.

This year the focus will be on "Sustainable Energy Solutions for Islands and Remote Areas: Front-runners for Energy Transition in the Euro-Mediterranean Region".

The 7th MEDENER International Conference will shed light on the latest solutions for energy efficiency, renewable energy production, energy storage facilities, demand response systems, low carbon transport and sustainable water and waste management. It will also emphasize the role of circular economy investments boosting economic self-sufficiency and inclusive growth in isolated territories and in the Mediterranean region.

For more information and registration

Event date



Rhodes, Greece


