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Clean energy for EU islands

Making the circular economy a reality on islands: business models and financing opportunities

The event in Palermo will be an important step in the roadmap of the multilateral islands dialogue table with the European institutions launched by the CPMR Islands Commission and Greening the Islands in occasion of the event held on June 18th with the support of Committee of the Regions.

In the international event the first report of Greening the Islands Observatory will be presented, which includes a general analysis on the European islands and a study on Crete, the Egadi archipelago and the German island of Helgoland.

A debate will follow on the results of the study and on opportunities for public and private financing with particular reference to the projects and initiatives that will have been identified on the mentioned islands.

For more information and registration

Event date



Palermo, Italy

Type of event


Greening the Islands & CPMR

