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Clean energy for EU islands

A two days summer school will take place 30th and 31th of May 2019 in Cagliari powered by the PEGASUS project and supported by Interreg Mediterranean.


This summer school aims to cover most of the functionalities of the microgrid concept and its different modes of operation with the current technologies, aligned with the targeted policies of the clean energy package of the EU. Distributed operation and control of the active grid through a microgrid concept is highly promising in facilitating high RES penetration, integration of emerging technologies and tackling of the above challenges in a coordinated way.

Why attend?

During this 2 days-event, participants will explore what prospects are microgrids opening for local/regional energy transition. A special attention will be given to understanding how microgrids may become active components of integrated grids, optimise use of local energy resources and enable the zeroing of the carbon footprint of Municipalities and Communities. During the discussions, the PEGASUS partners will leverage their knowledge from experimenting a simulation of functioning of microgrids in 7 pilot areas: France, Cyprus, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Malta and Greece (learn more about the pilots here). The modelisation of microgrid business models is a core objective of this 2 days event.


The European Commission’s 2030 policy framework for climate and energy aims at low-carbon transition that fundamentally re-envisage the electricity system. Although electricity decarbonization is not the only action suggested, it is argued that a “sooner-than-later” carbon-free electricity system will enable mitigation in other sectors and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon society. The aforementioned transition could boost Europe’s economy, thanks to increased investment in breakthrough technologies and low carbon energy sources such as Renewable Energy Sources (RES).

However, integrating RES within technical limitations of the system and without neither jeopardizing security of supply nor economic operation of the power system is quite a challenge. Not to mention that the load growth accommodation and the problems of ageing infrastructure makes the situation more challenging.


More information and registration

Event date



Cagliari, Italy

Type of event
