There are two main types of support schemes for RES-T in Finland: structural, large schemes aimed at reducing transport emissions on a holistic level, and smaller, individual schemes supporting consumers at switching from fossil fuels to RES.
The Finnish target for 2030 is to reach a 45% share of renewables in final share of transport sector consumption (NECP Finland, 2019). -
Summary of support schemes
- Investment aid for new technologies – This large support scheme is also applicable to some RES-T applicants in 2021.
- Biofuels quota – This mechanism obliges companies selling petrol or diesel fuels to ensure that biofuels compose a defined percentage of the company’s total annual fuel sales.
- Tax Regulation mechanism ¬– The taxation of liquid fuels is carried out as taxation of separate fuel components based on their energy content and carbon dioxide emission, meaning reduced taxation for biofuels.
- Subsidy for purchasing or leasing a new electric vehicle
- Support of RES-T infrastructure – there is financial support available for the construction of e-vehicle charging infrastructure
Competent authorities
- Traficom
- Finnish Tax Administration
- Business Finland
- Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment