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Regulatory informationRES-electricity

Tax regulation mechanisms II (Energy Tax Allowance)

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

Act 1994:1776

Description of support scheme

Sweden levies a tax on electricity consumption. Therefore, electricity producers and suppliers are subject to this tax. The electricity is however exempt from this tax obligation if it is produced in a plant with capacity below or equal 100kW (Chapter 11 arts 1 and 5, Act 1994:1776). Electricity produced from wind, wave and solar power is also exempted if the plant’s capacity is higher (see eligible technologies) (Chapter 11 art. 2, Act 1994:1776).


The energy tax is 34.7 öre/kWhk (€ct 3.42/kWh) (Chapter 11 Art 3, Act 1994:1776).
The government determines the recalculated, adjusted amount according to a formula for the following year at the end of November the previous year (Chapter 11 art 3, Act 1994:1776).


Commercial electricity producers and suppliers (Chapter 11 Art 5, Act 1994:1776).

Competent authority

The Swedish Tax Authority


Wind energy onshore

Both types of wind power (onshore and offshore) are subject to an elevated capacity margin of 250kW/installed generator. This means that plants with capacities below or equal 250kW are eligible for tax exemption.

Wind energy offshore

Both types of wind power (onshore and offshore) are subject to an elevated capacity margin of 250kW/installed generator. This means that plants with capacities below or equal 250kW are eligible for tax exemption.

Solar energy

Solar power is subject to an elevated capacity margin of 500kW of peak power / installed generator. This means that plants with capacities below or equal 500kW are eligible for tax exemption.

Geothermal energy

Wave power is subject to an elevated capacity margin of 250kW/installed generator. This means that plants with capacities below or equal 250kW are eligible for tax exemption.
Other hydropower plants are not subject to the elevated capacity margin. This means that only plants with capacities below or equal 100kW are eligible for tax exemption.
