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Energy sharing

Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

Electricity Act


It is possible for separate users to do collective self-consumption if they belong to the same grid connection – this applies to, for example, the residents of a single apartment building. The right to such an arrangement can be expressed through the collective representation of the will a housing or tenants’ community or association. It is not possible to do collective self-consumption over the grid.


Residents of a housing community of any kind with a single grid connection.

Requirements and conditions  

The participants are subject to the limits for micro installations set out in the Electricity Act and are required to be connected through a joint grid connection point. Small installations with a capacity of 1.5MW are only subject to transmission fees connected to the annual measurement and calculation costs. Micro installations with a generator of maximum 43.5kW are not subject for any input fees. (Chapter 4 art 10 Electricity Act)
Several installations fulfilling the aforementioned criteria located close to each other and connected to the same network are considered as separate installations, and therefore, are subject to the same tax exemptions and privileges (Chapter 4 art 10 Electricity Act). This allows for lower taxations and fees for energy sharing.

Tariff structure

The general provisions for micro-producers are the following:
Micro-producers with an installation of a maximum capacity of 1.5MW are only subject to the transmission fees that cover the cost of measurement, calculation and reporting, as well as a one-time grid connection fee (Chapter 4 art 10 Electricity Act).
Prosumers with a connection current limitation of maximum 63A, producing electricity with a device of maximum 43.5kW is exempted from fee for injection of electricity to the grid. However, this only applies if the prosumer consumed more electricity from the grid than he has injected into the grid in a calendar year. (Chapter 4 art 10 Electricity Act).

Geographical limitations

The participants of the collective self-consumption network have to be located geographically close to each other (Chapter 4 art 10 Electricity Act).

Type of energy sharing

  • Energy sharing: Relevant