Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
- Law 24/2013
- RDL 15/2018
- RD 244/2019
- RDL 23/2020
Spain still did not fully complete the transposition of the EU Directive REDII (2018/2001) regarding Energy Communities. However, the RDL 23/2020 modified Law 24/2013 and introduced some first references to Renewable Energy Communities.
Renewable Energy Communities are legal entities. consisting of members located in the vicinity of renewable energy projects owned and developed by them. The primary purpose of Renewable Energy Communities is to provide environmental, economic or social benefits to their partners or members or to the local areas where they operate, rather than financial profit.
Apart from that the auctions organized to grant the support scheme (Economic Regime for Renewable Energies) can take into consideration the particularities of these communities so that they can compete on an equal footing with other participants.
Note: although Renewable Energy Communities are not yet regulated in Spain, similar projects are being conducted under the collective self-consumption regulations (RD 244/2019), since it is allowed to share electricity between buildings, i.e., using the grid. -
Partners or members of Renewable Energy Communities shall be located in the vicinity of renewable energy projects owned and developed by the communities. The partners or members are natural persons, SMEs or local authorities, including municipalities and whose primary purpose is to provide environmental, economic or social benefits to their partners or members or to the local areas where they operate, rather than financial profit.
Requirements and conditions
In the case of collective self-consumption, all the consumers associated to the same generation unit must be under the same self-consumption modality and shall communicate to the distribution company an agreement signed by all participants, which includes the distribution criteria (article 4, RD 244/2019).
Tariff structure
The energy that is self-consumed and comes from renewable sources, cogeneration or waste is exempted from all types of charges and tolls (article 9, Law 24/2013). If there is transfer of energy through the distribution grid to nearby facilities for the purposes of self-consumption, fees for this usage may be established (article 9, Law 24/2013).
Geographical limitations
In collective self-consumption, the generation units can be interconnected through the grid, which means that energy sharing between buildings is allowed, however, there are some limitations. The interconnection through the grid shall fall in one of the following options: a) the units are connected to any of the low voltage networks derived from the same transformer substation; or b) both generation and consumption are connected at low voltage and at a distance of less than 500 meters from each other; or c) both generation and consumption are located in the same cadastral reference according to their first 14 digits (article 3, RD 244/2019).
When the self-consumption is carried out between near installation through the grid, collective self-consumption may belong to any of the modalities “with surplus” (article 3, RD 244/2019). -
Financial support
Not yet regulated, but RDL 23/2020 recognises the possibility of Renewable Energy Communities to participate in auctions to compete for the remuneration framework (Economic Regime for Renewable Energy).
Under the modalities of self-consumption “with surplus”, consumers can decide to sell all electricity surplus directly on the market, or they can be compensated through a simplified mechanism (Net billing), where every month the value of the energy taken from the grid is compensated with the value of the surplus generation fed into the grid. Nevertheless, the maximum amount that can be compensated is the value of the energy taken from the grid (the energy purchased by the consumer) because the result of the compensation cannot be negative and may not offset other access fees. -
Type of energy sharing
- Energy communities, energy cooperatives, energy clusters : Relevant