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Clean energy for EU islands
  • Regulatory information
  • Community Energy Framework


  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • EEG 2021
    • NAV 2020
    • MaStRV 2020
  2. Summary

    Prosumers who have connected their electricity generating installation to the grid are supported through tax benefits and a high feed-in tariff. However, several technological requirements must be met before the connection.

  3. Addressees

    Natural or legal persons, producing their own electricity. Electricity is self-supplied if the produced electricity is in direct proximity not passed through the grid (§ 3 par. 19 EEG 2021). However, in many cases, a grid connection is still done to ensure the supply with electricity and to feed-in the electricity overflow.

  4. Requirements and conditions  

    If the installation is connected to the grid the prosumer might be required to register the installation in the market data register (MaStRV 2020). PV installations are required to have a meter, measuring electricity flows in both directions to enable the grid operator to check and regulate the power at any time (§ 20 NAV 2020, §9 par. 1 EEG 2021).

  5. Geographical limitations

    The geographical limitations are Germany

  6. Financial support

    Prosumers can receive the feed-in tariff (§21 EEG 2021) and a support from KfW for energy storage technologies.

  7. Type of energy sharing

    • Prosumers: Relevant