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Certification Programmes for Energy efficiency measures (energy surveyor certificate)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    • Act 50/2013
  2. Summary

    In order to determine the energy performance rating of a new building required by the Act 50/2013, the person conducting the surveys has to be certified to do so. The content and the criteria for admission to the surveyor training is set out in the Act 50/2013. The act does not define the exact requirements regarding the educational background or previous work experience of the eligible persons but they are supposed to have a “suitable education or work experience” for the task (art 12 Act 50/2013). It is possible for certified surveyors from other EU member states to have their competency for the task validated in Finland on case-by-case basis.
    The maximum validity of the certification is seven years, after which the certified person has to refresh their competency with further education (art 13 Act 50/2013).
    Motiva upholds an online database of all the certified surveyors in Finland, and also disseminates information on the available trainings (conducted by third parties).

  3. Competent authority

    • Motiva