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Training programmes for Installers of Energy Efficiency installations (Energy Managers & Auditors Registry)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    ● Min. Decree 184/2012
    ● Min. Decree 164/2009

  2. Summary

    Energy Auditors, i.e., professionals that issue the Building Energy Certificate, should sit for specific exams carried out by an entity authorized by MECI (art.3 Min. Decree 164/2009). If successful, they can be subscribed to the national registry of energy auditors.
    Energy managers, i.e., professionals that carry out energy efficiency studies in buildings and propose appropriate energy efficiency measures, must follow a training programme by an entity authorized by MECI (Annex 3 Min. Decree 184/2012). There are three categories of energy auditors (in buildings, industry and transport). At the end of the training programme, an exam is foreseen. If passed, professionals can apply for subscription to the national registry (art.22 Min. Decree 184/2012).

  3. Addressees

    Persons wishing to become energy auditors, i.e., professionals that issue the Building Energy Certificate or energy managers, i.e., professionals that carry out energy efficiency studies in buildings and propose appropriate energy efficiency measures.

  4. Competent authority

    • MECI