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Clean energy for EU islands

Solar energy

AEON Energy

Aeon Energy creates innovative net-zero renewable energy solutions that help Climate Vulnerable communities harness the energy around them as we believe in renewable energy for all - not just those living in countries with enough landmass and resources for traditional solutions like wind, solar, and hydro.


SAMPOL is a Spanish company with a long history of more than 88 years. We lead in engineering projects, especially in the energy field. This includes renewable energy, energy-saving solutions, sustainability, and bringing digital technology into our work. We have a strong presence in various countries, especially in the industrial, hotel and transport sectors.


LocalRES is an EU-funded project that will deploy innovative local energy systems to put renewable energy into the hands of communities and people. The project will boost structural changes in the current energy system at different levels: generation, market, distribution and consumers.

Carbery Housing Association CLG

Carbery Housing Association is a community based social housing developer and provider, approved by the Department of Housing. CHA purchases and leases properties to provide long term housing for rent for families who cannot afford to rent of buy on the open market. We secure local authority support and loan funding to develop these initiatives. We at present have 20 properties which are being rented to families nominated by the local Councils.

Energie Samen

Federation of the energy communities in the Netherlands.

We believe that the energy transition will succeed if citizens are engaged. Together we ensure that everyone can participate in and benefit from a clean and affordable energy supply for all of us.

We provide support and advocacy for energy communities in the Netherlands.


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