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Clean energy for EU islands

In this webinar Francesco Sindico and James Ellsmoor will be discussing how islands around the world have been dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. It will explore the ongoing challenges not only from a public health, but also from an economic and sustainability perspective. The goal is to spark a debate that goes beyond the initial stage of the pandemic and takes the participants on a journey that allows us to start thinking of what islands and island communities could look like Post COVID-19. The presentation will be followed by time for questions and discussion on this topic.

The webinar will be informed by a survey that the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance and Island Innovation started in late March and has now collated data from islands in over 40 countries around the world. It will also be informed by a number of previous webinars organised by Island Innovation that have focused on islands globally, the Caribbean and Jamaica.. 

For more information on the webinar:

  • Island Innovation and SCELG survey on islands and COVID-19 here
  • SCELG web page on islands and COVID-19 with information from the survey here
  • Policy brief with preliminary findings from the survey here
  • Island Innovation webinar on global response here and the Caribbean here


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Island Innovation / Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance
