After many months working closely with European island stakeholders, the final reports from the first round of Technical Assistance (carried out during 2021 and beginning of 2022) are now available on the respective islands pages and as part of the Islands secretariat publications. The EU islands secretariat offered support to European islands to further advance in the clean energy transition, through two calls for applications (Round 1 in April 2021 and Round 2 in March 2022).
The published reports and summaries correspond to projects from Round 1 (Round 2 support is currently ongoing) and cover all areas and stages of the clean energy transition: wind, solar, biogas and wave energy; district heating and cooling; electric mobility; storage; energy communities; grid studies; financing studies; legal and regulatory assessments; Clean Energy Transition Agendas; etc. These studies may serve as inspiration, guidance, and best practices for other island communities.
- Pantelleria: RETRIEVE
- Menorca: SYMBIOTIX (Socialized pv plant and energY coMmunity with puBlic-prIvate cOllaboraTion for buIlding and eXploiting)
- Cres-Losinj: INSOLCARPARK (Installation of Solar Carports on Public Parking Lots)
- Symi: Hot water production from a centralized solar-combi system
- Crete: Biogas production
- Bere Island: BITET (Bere Iland Transport Energy Transition)
- Kassos: Introducing e-mobility
- La Palma: Virtual transmission line and storage study
- Syros: Smart electromobility
- Chalki: Electryone
- Saint-Martin: Sustainable modernisation of waste recovery: waste-to-combustible-to-energy
- Hiiumaa: Grid Study on the island’s interconnection to the mainland
- Porto Santo: H2PortoSanto
- La Réunion: Wave to energy project in Saint-Philippe
- Clean Energy Transition Agenda: Chios