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Clean energy for EU islands
  • 16 June 2023

Ireland: Our Living Islands

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The Irish Department of Rural and Community Development has launched its first Irish Islands policy in 27 years. Due to the lobbying work of  Aran Islands Energy Coop the policy is taking the study on Regulatory barriers in Ireland drafted by the Clean energy for EU islands secretariat into account. Stating that the coastal islands and their communities are an integral part of the fabric of rural Ireland. They are also an integral part of the State’s heritage and have a special significance in Irish culture. 

The policy is underpinned by five high-level strategic objectives, identified by islanders themselves as being of key importance for the sustainable future of their communities:

  • Revitalise population levels on the islands
  • Diversify island economies
  • Enhance Health and Wellbeing services
  • Empower Island Communities
  • Build smart sustainable futures

You can download and view Our Living Islands – National Islands Policy 2023-2033. Here 
