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Clean energy for EU islands
Person standing on a small rocky wall looking over field, arms spread

Island facts

Exact population
Exact density
Exact surface dimensions
Local grid
Secretariat engagement

The total energy use in Öland was approximately 350 GWh for the year 2020. Almost 60 % of the energy comes from renewable sources. Private housing is the sector that uses most energy, with transport as the second largest. Wind power has been established for a long time on the island and many are soon facing the end of their technical lifespan and are to be replaced by new more efficient ones. Solar energy via micro production facilties is also contributing to the production and increases rapidly, but from low levels and constitutes not more than 2 % of the renewable energy production. 

In order for the municipality to succeed to be self-sufficient in renewable energy before 2030, expanding the use of several different renewable energy sources, is a priority. Öland is among the places with highest solar radiation in Sweden, which gives a great opportunity for solar energy investments. Öland also has good conditions for wind power production. Their target is to explore the technical and regulatory needs for expanding the renewable energy on the island. At the same time increased power grid capacity needs to be ensured. Energy communities is an undeveloped concept, but could be beneficial for the grid, so we are aiming to explore it. 


Öland Environment and Climate Strategy
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