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Clean energy for EU islands
  • Regulatory information
  • Permits and Authorisation Processes

Corporate legal-fiscal processes

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source

    ● Act 1992:1140
    ● Act 1988:950

  2. Description of the process

    Heritage conservation: Any wind power developer needs to consider The Heritage Conservation Act (1988:950), which protects antiquities, churches, and certain buildings. As such, a wind power project needs approval from the county administrative board, which states that the construction does not interfere heritage conservation. In accordance with Chapter 2 of the Heritage Conservation Act (1998:950), the county administrative board may decide on an archaeological investigation at the relevant location to determine whether there is a conflict of interest with heritage conservation. The wind power developer is therefore advised to contact the county administrative board early in the process to determine the need for such an archaeological investigation.
    Natura 2000: If the project is located on a Natura 2000 area or near one, the impacts of the project and its construction to the local environment and its protected species have to be assessed according to the EU law. Natura 2000 assessments are often required for onshore and offshore wind projects, prior to they enter into the environmental permitting procedure.
    Permits for offshore wind only:
    Continental shelf permit: All infrastructure placed in the sea located on the continental shelf area, including infrastructure for offshore wind installations, require a continental shelf permit, which is applied for from the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation. This applies to both ‘public water’ areas and Sweden’s exclusive economic zone.
    Exclusive Economic Zone permit: Any commercial activity in Sweden’s economic area require permission from the Swedish Government according to art. 5 of The Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone Act (1992:1140). This applies to cables, pipelines or constructions, and thus, is applicable to, for example, offshore wind turbines. The permit is requested from the Swedish Ministry of the Environment.
    Water activity permit: All power stations, such as hydropower dams or tidal energy infrastructure, installed in sweet water areas are required to apply for a water permit according to the Chapter 11 of the Environmental Code. The competent authority for water permits is the Land and Environmental Court.
    Marine Natura 2000: There are almost 300 Natura 2000 areas in the Swedish waters or in the Swedish EEZ, and in order to establish an offshore wind park in or near those areas, the project developer has to obtain the approval of the Land and Environmental Court.

  3. Competent authority

    ● Land and Environmental Court
    ● Ministry of the Environment
    ● County Administrative Boards
    ● Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation

  4. Technologies

    Wind energy onshore


    Wind energy offshore


    Solar energy
    Solar Thermal
    Geothermal energy
    Geothermal energy