Abbreviated form of legal source(s)
● STEMFS 2014:2
● Act 2014:266 -
In order to carry out energy surveys of large companies required by the Act 2014:266, the person conducting the surveys has to be certified to do so. The content and the criteria for admission to the surveyor training is set out by the Swedish Energy Agency regulation STEMFS 2014:2.
The certification training is available for people with a relevant educational background and sufficient experience with energy management or energy efficiency (art 9 STEMFS 2014:2). The required experience is shorter the higher educated the person is, varying from 10 years for non-educated people working in the field to three years for a person with a technical university degree. The person has to complete the training and to be certified by Kiwa in order to be admitted to the surveyor database hosted by the Swedish Energy Agency. -
● Swedish Energy Agency
● Kiwa