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RD&D Policies (Bio+ scheme)

  1. Abbreviated form of legal source(s)

    Ordinance 2008:761

  2. Summary

    A new call, “Bio+” for the research, innovation and commercialisation activities regarding the use of biomass and biofuels has been opened for the year 2021. The scheme is a one-time call, closing in June 2021, and SEK 100 million (approx. EUR 9.82 million) is available for projects that could contribute to reaching the Swedish pledge for a fossil-free nation by 2045 applying different biomass- and biofuels-based solutions.
    The call is intersectoral and interdisciplinary: for example, projects regarding technological development or system studies are welcome, as well as concrete projects advancing fossil-free transport or grid development. Project proposals will be assessed based on their potential, feasibility, societal relevance, the potential to commercialise the project, taking into account the perspective of gender equality (if relevant).
    The application can be written in either English or Swedish and is submitted through the Energy Agency’s My pages -portal. There is no announced maximum limit to the amount of funding applied: the subsidy sum will be decided after a review of all applications.
    The Energy Agency will take their decisions around November 2021. The projects that are awarded financial supports from the project can begin in January 2022 earliest and last to December 2025 at the latest.
    The ordinance 2008:761 sets out the legal framework for all R&D project schemes supervised by the Swedish Energy Agency, including the eligibility criteria, timeline for payments and regulatory mechanisms in case of possible non-compliance with the scheme regulations. (arts 18–27 Ordinance 2008:761).

  3. Addressees

    A broad spectrum of stakeholders is eligible to apply for funding, including companies, educational institutions, or public sector organisations. Consortiums and collective applications are also allowed.

  4. Competent authority

    Swedish Energy Agency